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0점 작성자 EZLE (ip:) 2022.07.21 조회 : 110

안녕하세요 이젤가구입니다^^

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가격은 44,000원 이며 무료배송입니다^^

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예전에구매했었는데..무슨색깔있는지 그리고 가격좀알려주세요~

If your the feed is filled with scenes from your co-worker's Italian seaside getaway or your cousin's trip to the Portuguese wine country, chances are it's also peppered with a few stories of lost luggage. If Instagram is real, it seems like a lot of bags get lost. But the app also tells us that our summer packing list should start with a piece of technology: Apple's AirTag. Good timing, then, that Apple AirTags on Amazon are on sale on Prime Day.

Yesterday, New York Magazine's The Cut shared a story on their Instagram account with the alarming headline "Airlines are losing more baggage than ever." The article cites the June Air Travel Consumer Report, which finds that mishandling of luggage in the United States increased 135%, to a total of 220,000 bags. (For the top offending airlines, scroll to page 40 of the report.) To start the conversation, the IG post ended with "The internet is full of lost horror stories - share yours in the comments."

An iota of hope shared by many new travelers? The fact that they at least know where your replica handbags is, especially when your airline doesn't, or worse, doesn't respond, because they thought ahead and put an Apple AirTag or similar tracking device in your checked luggage.

How does Apple AirTag work?
The little locket-shaped device is Bluetooth-enabled, battery-powered and can be tracked through the Find My app, just like other Apple devices. When your devices are close together, AirTag, for example, relies on your iPhone's Bluetooth signal to tell it its GPS location. When your AirTag isn't near you, say in a back room at an airport, it relies on other nearby devices in an anonymous and encrypted process until it can be found. Also, AirTag uses no data and battery usage is minimal. (Although AirTags works on Android devices, the technology is more reliable with Apple devices.)

Over the weekend, an old PR friend of mine who runs several of Italy's most sought-after luxury brands revealed to me that her latest Fashion Week flight had been saved when she was able to get confirmation that her bag made the plane he was about to take. to her after being told by the gate agent that the chances are slim. Reviewing The Cut's Instagram post, the anecdotes were even more dramatic: "My bag got stuck at AMS [Amsterdam Airport Schiphol], where we stopped on the way to Lisbon. I had an Apple AirTag in my bag, which cost a 1000 % plus". helpful than the airline." One poster commented: "I was able to locate my bag in Porto at the airport there and went to pick it up myself."

Others have echoed the value of technology. "The only reason I have my bag is because I use the AirTag and it tracks it like a dog's wish bone!" Looking at the photo above of model Adut Akech, shot by David Luraschi for our August 2018 issue, the reason Akech feels so comfortable letting her wholesale replica bags float in the sky is because she may have put AirTag on it before joining.

What are the Apple AirTag concerns?
Of note is an incident in late December 2021 in which a woman driving from a bar to her house received beeps on her phone indicating an Apple AirTag was near her, even though she had never I had bought an AirTag. I concluded that someone had deposited the fake purses in her car, a serious and unfortunate misuse of manual technology. Fortunately, her iPhone told her "AirTag is moving with you" and she was able to remove it. On the other hand, law enforcement has relied on AirTags to recover lost or stolen property and vehicles.

In the case of travel, AirTags seems to offer an insurance policy that airlines cannot offer. AirTag's motto is "Lose your ability to lose things." It's not us who's pointing the finger, Apple, but based on these recent reports, we can say that it's the slick operators.


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